packing...packing...packing. and hoping that the cds for ted and package from SEND get here before i leave. =)
here's my travel itineray for the next couple of days:
26.6.08, afternoon -- depart for jfk
26.6.08, 5:50pm -- plane leaves jfk bound for frankfurt
27.6.08, 8:10am -- arrive in frankfurt, germany
(note: time difference. this will feel like 2:10am. yikes!)
27.6.08, 11:50am -- depart frankfurt
27.6.08, 1:15pm -- arrive in wrocłow!
and now, it's back to packing. though actually i'm off to have a picnic lunch with a friend! cheers!
Hello my friend. I am so excited for you. But what exactly do you do over there? Either way, I will be keeping up with this blog. I recently got my own blogger :-)
have a safe and wonderful time in poland!! i'll be regularly checking in on you via the blog, so you'd better keep it updated! Love you!
I miss youuuu already! It has been soooo nice to see you daily the past couple weeks :)
If I was going with you, though, I'd have informed you before you posted that its FrankfUrt. ;) We german speaker know these things - but that doesn't mean you Polish speakers should be ignorant!!
haha jk, love you VERY MUCH and will be keeping tabs !
Praying for you my dear friend as you minister to the people in Poland. May your "Christine-ness" rub off on everyone you meet! I miss you and love you tons! Can't wait to catch up when you get back!
Have a great time!
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