kawa dla krystyna
"kawa dla krystyna" is polish for "coffee for christine." i'm christine and i do enjoy coffee. but there's more in this name. this blog was created to track my journey as i traveled to north central europe, particularly poland. i also traveled to bosnia this past march and have a lot more adventures on the horizon! join with me!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
I'm Moved!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
happy thanksgiving!
watching the macy's parade on tv
(love me those broadway performances!)
eating TONS of amazing food
drinking yorkshire tea (thank you, joshua and lizzie)
playing card games
reading by the fire
watching football
learning to correctly throw a football
eating more food
and giving THANKS. :)
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
i traded my sketchers for heels.
you remember the movie, never been kissed, how drew barrymore goes back to her high school as an undercover reporter and gets a second chance at learning high school lessons? my experience is nothing like that. however, today i was a substitute teacher at my middle school and worked alongside the same teachers i had studied under ten years ago. this is an incredibly eye opening experience – to see that even teachers swear during their lunch period, are nicer when they don’t have to discipline pre-teen boys, and at the end of the day – they’re rushing to their cars like we always rushed to the buses.
our town's middle school has now seen FOUR lindemann children, i introduced myself to a teacher as part of a town-dynasty at one point during the day. the last of our dynasty will graduate this coming june and the lindemann name will only be a memory to the teachers and staff of the middle school. ”so much has happened since i roamed those halls during my awkward years,” i thought to myself as i walked by the picture of my graduating class: the class of 2000, “it feels like a different lifetime.” i walked by my locker (third from the left in the eighth grade hallway) and a feeling of nostalgia came over me – but not one strong enough to make me feel like I’m thirteen again. no, i’ve since grown up. now i am the one wearing heals that firmly walk the tile floors, with determination in my step and knowledge in my mind. i am the one who can look up the answers in the teachers’ book when i cannot remember how to figure out that math problem (what is the purpose of stem-and-leaf graphs ANYWAY?). and i am the one who tears up a little at the end of reading the pigman because i now know what it feels like to lose someone close. even furthermore, i am the one who no longer takes the comment: “you’re my favorite substitute!” as a compliment – because it means i haven’t disciplined well enough.
though i woke up this morning preparing to teach the future of america, i came out learning more than i expected to. isn’t that what school is all about?
Monday, September 07, 2009
why i love this town #3