Sunday, November 05, 2006

here's the kick off.

well this is all very exciting. i am finding this blogger a little hard to navigate through, but i suppose i will get used to it the more i use it.

this blog is for a specific purpose. i have my xanga to keep tabs on my life and such, but i want this to be for my journey as a missionary. it's so strange to say that. i'm not sure exactly what emotion that invokes. excitement, sure. but i'm also scared. there is a lot of unknown that goes along with this journey and a lot of struggle that i know will come. it's a step of faith. aw heck, it's a RUN of faith. but that's life and i love it.

so i'll be going to poland in july. so i'm looking to... hoping to... man, i don't know how to say this. when i say, "i'm going," i get scared because what if i don't go? what if it isn't definite? there are so many "what if"s. BUT if i spent my life focusing on "what if"s, then i will never really live life. so i want to live my life. starting now: i'm going to poland.

my next step is to fill out an application to SEND. it's actually a pretty long detailed application and it makes me kind of nervous, i'm not going to lie. i will keep you updated on how that goes. i'm going to go now and work on that.

God bless. :)

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